Brand Guidelines



Our logo originates from the Latin word veteraine, which means animal care. The logo symbol depicts the letter V. The animated logo symbolizes the symbiosis of the letter and the execution of the action in the form of an arrow done. This is a kind of presentation of thoughts about the reliability and diligence of the company.

Primary Logo

VIS Primary logo is one of the main components in brand identity. Keep it clean with additional space around it. The margin around the logo must be at a minimum, half of x-height of the logo (1/2X). Other visual elements should not cross this space.

Creating correct area around the logotype will make it readable and visually pleasing. It is not recommended to make primary logo smaller than 100 pixels wide. If it is needed to create smaller sizies please use secondary logo or sub-marks alternatives.

Secondary Logo and Brand sub-marks

Make additional room to breathe around alternatives logos. The main rules for primary logo usage apply to secondary logo and brand submarks.

Spacing & Sizing

Proper Color Pairings

Don’t Do This

Please provide plenty of space around the logo. Make it big or small, just don’t distort it nor position close to other objects to avoid overlapping.


VIS primary brand colors are yellow and black.They are designed to attract user attention on the company’s products and focus on the main details of the interface. The task of these colors is to make the brand recognizable. Due to the bright contrast and life-affirming shades, our company strives to remain in the memory of our customers.

000100 RGB(35,31,32) #231F20 426C CMYK RGB HEX PANTONE 0000 RGB(254,254,254) #FEFEFE 633C CMYK RGB HEX PANTONE 00055 RGB(138,140,142) #8A8C8E 423C CMYK RGB HEX PANTONE 301000 #FEEE00 102C RGB(254,23,80) CMYK RGB HEX PANTONE #231F20 #FEEE00 #8A8C8E #FEFEFE 40% 60% 80% 40% 60% 80% 80% 60% 40%