Consolidator Maturity Model - Tactical

Consolidator Maturity Model ©


FRAGILERESILIENTROBUSTANTIFRAGILETACTICALOPERATIONALSTRATEGIC0Initial Funding2Process Development43Value CreationQuantitively Measured5Continuous Improvement6PredictionInvestor management Process Prospect Hospitals PipelineCore Prosesses Implementstion VCP process development WSJF Pre/Post Acquisition assessments, Training Pull VCP Items(Commitment)Data-driven Change Management Data-Driven VCP Initiative ProcessRecruiting at hospital level, Implementation of VCP processes, Capacity Reservation Process Change ManagementNew Initiative Acceptance Experiment Execution ProcessAI Data analysis for future risk assessment Data science modeling of ExperimentsM&A Process Culture/People integration Core Prosesses Development HR Process/Onboarding Knowledge AccumulationM&A Pitch, Dos & Don'tsClass of Service (Determination) Clinical Systems Policy Interdepartmental Dependencies Management Process Level 3 Definition of Done (DOD)New Initiative Strategic Filter Data-Driven Feedback Policy Process Level 4 Definition of Done (DOD)Class of Service Policy Recruiting policies DOs &DON'Ts of VCP items Process Level 3 Definition of Done (DOD)Definition of ready for Continuous Improvements Experiment Definition of Done for ExperimentExperiment ExecutionAcquisition Dos/Don'ts (Culture/Finance/Operations) Business Systems Policy HR Policies Board Transition Policies Process Level 2 Definition of Done (DOD)CRM, Communication PlatformKnowledge Management, LMSBusiness Intelligence Systems Business Operational Data AnalisysClinical Systems, Central Database/DWH, Lead Time Measurement SystemBusiness Analytical Systems Clinical Operational Data Analisys (Patient Corridor)Data science modeling & prediction PlatformPipeline management, Project Management, Help Desk, Financial, HR, PayrollVisionary/M&A/Legal/FinanceDepartmental Functional SME Regional Operations Managers (ROM) VP of OPs Identify Leadership at the hospital levelData TeamDev Team VCP Functional Change agents (Regional) Functional Leads at the hospital levelData Science TeamAI Data Science TeamBoard/Integrator/HR/ Operations/MarketingDaily/Weekly Sync"Departmental Meetings" Dept Daily/Weekly L10/Quarterly Executive Monthly Ops/Risks Initiatives meetingThree level Quarterly planning meeting (PI)Cross-functional Meetings Hospital-Level Meetings Training Events System Demo MeetingRisk assessment-based continuous improvement meeting (Creates new opportunities to be kicked off at PI planning)New Purpose Strategy ShapingDaily Standup/Weekly All hands L10/1:1 Quarterly Goal Planning Quarterly Board Annual Goal PlanningClose to> VCP Function integration lead time Cost of Delay Training Satisfaction Department Performance MetricsBenchmarking techniques (what is normal for us?) Strategy-Driven data Goals design,OKR Lead Time Distribution Capacity AllocationAll boards Lead times All VCP Metrics at all levels (FFP) System LiquidityScientific Approach to experiments: Build/Measure/Learn Flow EfficiencyAI-based predictive system Cumulative Flow DiagramM&A: Lead to close Ops: Close to Core systems Integrated + Post Acquisition Satisfaction Finance: Total/Clinic Rev/EBIDTA (Top/Bottom line)Early Adivisors frInvestor Pipeline/Prospecting Pipelineom the industry FeedbackPre-integration/Integration Capacity Limits, Initiative BoardClasses of services Dependencies throughout the system Column Progression BarDepartmental Boards ROM BoardVCP as a subsystem of Operations Continuous Improvement Board (Initiative Shiny Objects) Hospital BoardsHorizon Board (Strategic Shiny Objects)M&A: Prospecting/Due Diligence/Close Ops: Core integration Capacity Visualization/ "Upstream & Downstream"Strategy (Vision,VCP, BA Modeling)VCP Prioritization (Strategic Filter) Patient CorridorInternal BenchmarksVCP Functions SOPs Hospital Functions Checklist SOPs for all the processes in clinicOpportunity Risk Assessment FrameworkNew Horizons AI ModelDD list, Enterprise Operation Model Business Corridor010-15%4-6%6-10%4-6%4%15-20%Investors/First Clinics/BrokersDepartmental SME AdvisorsIndustry metrics sharingCross-consolidator CollaborationOther verticals relationshipsIndustry metrics sharingEmployee pipeline (Functional Leads, Regional Managers) Industry Reps/ConnectionsPipeline EBITDA1InceptionEarly Adivisors from the industry FeedbackQuarterly Deprtment Performance /Alignment SurveyInitiative rollout retroHospital Core Systems Retrospective Hospital Feedback SystemExperiment RetrospectivesPredictions VS ExecutionM&A Advisory Medical/Clinical Advisory Industry Operational AdvisoryRiskActionsLevelProcessesPoliciesSystemsMetricsVisualize (Boards)IP/Secret SauceCorporate OverheadPartnershipsRoles/TeamsBusiness RhythmFeedback Loops
VIS. Consolidator Maturity Model © (Download PDF)

Tactical Consolidator Maturity Model (CMM) is a playbook for consolidation.

Consolidation is a complex business with multiple initiatives firing at the same time and the organization growing by adding new processes, systems, and people. It is very challenging to establish priorities.
We collected years of experience with multiple consolidator assessments to develop a system in which you can track how well you are prepared to go to the next level.
Once you identify which level of maturity you are on, and how congruent* you are with your level, you can establish a clear roadmap to transition into the next level with a step by step roadmap, carefully measuring the results using metrics and feedback loops.
You can use our anonymous assessment tool to establish your level of maturity. We only see the results if you decide that you need our pro-bono guidance through this methodology.

*Congruency – is the fitness of the organization into a certain level of maturity. Incongruent means that there are a lot of categories, either underdeveloped or developed too early.