Value Stream Mapping that lives below the central organization Value Stream is a process of developing subsystems of Executive Value Stream.

All the departments have an initiative board which essentially is the Executive Level Initiative Creation Value Stream filtered down to a specific department. The goal of this Value Stream is to visualize what initiatives are being created in this department.

Simple Initiative Board Filtered by Marketing Department:

Marketing Initiative Board (1)

Once the Value Stream is created, the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) should be defined. Explicit Transition Policies should be created and available to all levels in the organization. Capacity limitations should be developed and followed by all.

Change Management Value Stream
The second Value Stream at the department level is implementation of the certain tools that this department is responsible for at the hospital level. This is a subsystem of the Margin Expansion portion of the Executive Value Stream and is divided into two types of processes:

  1. Centralized – is a process that does not involve Functional Leads at the hospital level. This means that the change can be applied without Change Management at the hospital level, and therefore, is usually easier to implement. Example: Change the website of the hospital.
  2. Decentralized – this process requires hospital level implementation and proper Change Management. Training has to be developed and delivered in collaboration with Regional Managers and hospital staff.

A simple Department Level Change Management Stream can look like this:

Department Level Change Management Board (1)

Once the Value Stream is created, the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) should be defined. Explicit Transition Policies should be created and should be available at all levels of the organization. Capacity limitations should be developed and followed by all.


Without a unified approach to Initiative Creation and transparency through the organization, it is impossible to manage it centrally. The silo formation begins at the very early stages of maturity and has a snowball effect. Not managing rollout of the initiatives on a common board leads to overlapping priorities at the hospital level and increases the stress on the front line staff.

Connected Processes

  • Knowledge Accumulation
  • Core Processes Implementation
  • Strategic Filter
  • Prioritization (WSJF)
  • Talent acquisition
  • Pre- and Post-Acquisition Assessments
  • Training
  • Quarterly Goals/Rock Planning
  • Implementation of VCP Processes
  • Capacity Reservation Process
  • Change Management
  • Data-Driven Change Management
  • Data-Driven VCP Initiative Process


The most common issue with consolidators is deploying multiple processes onto the hospitals that are not ready for change or already going through a transformation of another process. This usually leads to these burnout triggers: Lack of control, value conflict, work overload, unfairness, and breakdown of the community.


One may think that de-novo and franchise groups do not have to change since they are building new facilities. But these organizations did not come with a fully developed strategy and as soon as they decide to add a new function to the hospitals, all existing hospitals will need to go through a Change Management process. The change boards are the same for those organizations and their departments.