If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up someplace else

Yogi Berra

Vision is one of the most important components of your framework. Vision is what sets the direction for the organization. It is the end product which sets the Strategic Filter, Prioritization, and the Core Values required to set the goals to get from any point in time towards the vision. It is the tool that helps explain to your investors as well as acquired/newly built businesses how the organization is planning to create value for both investors as well as employees. It provides the purpose or the “big WHY” for the organization.


Not having a clearly defined vision that is the same for investors as well as future businesses that join an organization will create a fracture at the strategic level that will be noticeable once the organization enters the scaling phase. If there is no vision, there is no clear direction of where the organization is going.


  • Investor management process
  • Prospect hospitals pipeline
  • M&A Process
  • Culture/People integration
  • HR Process/Onboarding
  • Strategic Filter
  • Prioritization (WSJF)
  • Talent acquisition
  • Training
  • Quarterly Goals/Rock planning
  • Implementation of VCP processes
  • Data-Driven VCP Initiative Process
  • Horizon 2 Experiments
  • Horizon 3 Experiment


If the vision is not clearly articulated and practiced by all, there is a significant risk of Value Conflict, Lack of Control and feeling of Unfairness. The most common situation is when the executive team is talking about “caring for people” but the goal at the Board level is to have maximum acquisitions within a period of time at any cost. Once this misalignment is discovered, the trust is broken and the change management is almost impossible since there is no buy-in behind the purpose of the organization.


Vision is as important in De-novo and Franchise as in a classic consolidation by acquisition. If there is no shared vision – there is no shared execution.